Season 20 Pixel X Challenge

S.E.A.S.O.N. 20 Pixel X Challenge 

The Pixel X Challenge is a fun game where I give away "PIXELS" or points for challenges such as Trivia. The more "PIXELS" you have the higher your rank within the Pixel X.

**Every month there will be a Pixel X Game. During the game, I will be Posting a Pixel X Challenges somewhere on my Social Media Networks.... Who ever is able to solve the most challenges during the course of the Game wins the Prize. After each Game, the winner will allow you to move up the Pixel X Class rankings.


1. Sonic&TailsFan - 265
2. Toonwriter - 257
3. Playee - 204
4. Jdragon272 - 122
5. Antonio Mejia - 92
6. ComradeChecker - 86
7. DarkLucarioZig ZagPurpleSkunk - 77
8. Hiroshiartandmore - 74
9. - 74
10. jjcheung - 72


Season 19 Champion 

 Rokkuken - 0

Other Players

terry wulf - 48
Stardust - 18
Nani Amir - 9
CheckerCab - 8
tails The TikToker - 7
josephjoee - 5
John Skywalker - 8
Brinnmations - 8
Hawaiisano - 17
sokalvla - 10
Robert Martinez - 3
LevelUP Nelly - 10
PhoenixMario - 12
Goomba Lord - 16
Nani Amir - 29
Chibichamba - 4
Terrence1993 - 4
JasonKlittle - 4
Suarez1982 -8
Your.brain.on.drugs - 4
Justtay_man - 28
the.true.bogard - 20 
Jpt00711 - 12 
Breezyslim - 4
Adhdaries - 12 
Shockbrawler - 4
_jt96 - 16 
Extreme Plays - 8
Gotron - 28
Dante - 4
Lucas Elbert - 12
Kirby Kian - 8
Summer Night - 29
Kyle Saxaphone - 35
Fallen - 5
Electrico - 42
TDGAA - 68
demonic.anarchist - 8
tripleogdeezy - 12
tinadozina - 12
adeptslayercopen98 - 8
phillypugilist - 12
aarontoland - 8
streetbreakersx2 - 16
jpt00711 - 16
beastmanrob87 - 32
direblue_revived - 43
Sarina Shamsuddin - 56
zack_rich - 7
creamed_lad - 19
Tai - 5
Joseph Pruitt - 5
America Erica - 9
unknown lag - 15
HarryHaps h - 16
Chen Homes  - 8
Megan Chandler - 8
FatesofOtaku - 15
rsuarez1982 - 8
bonesetter.dw - 8
nesquik_lord - 8
duo dreamer - 16
1k.kenx2 - 8
Baoa - 56
jlopezy - 8
sunnymanelaflare - 8
hidansweed - 8
devvy_divine - 16
h4design - 8 - 8
damientheanimegod - 16
ssc_sleepy - 8
sylveon - 12
moogleborg - 8
unknown_lag - 15
ninjacams56  - 6
ninza - 15
Meme Destroyer - 7
Mitch Hedge - 12
infjax_gaming - 8
djashknuckles - 8
kayozera - 8
epic_amir_hamza_1997 - 8
artist_vandelay - 8
oliveiraramondantas - 8
five.orbs - 8
cena_2026 - 8
ssc_sleepy - 8
zacknid_comics - 10
lilmack - 7
Elijah Dixson - 5
heart_mester - 5
fighter - 8
benny.baptista.112 - 32
fiercetatsu - 8
retroswitchguy - 8
pacman - 8


Top Players

Kamimation Studios



Chara Alter
Duo Dreamer
EXtreme plays
The Jays and Virusa